How to go ahead with Grease Test.
Energy Reduction and Increased Cooling with Cerma Blue Ice on A/C unit
Cerma Motor Oil beats all other oils in wear protection.
with Timken Bearing Machine Cerma Oil V.S Lucas Oil.
Cerma Motor Oil heat test showing how Cerma protects at extreme temperatures.
Borescope view of engine after treatment -- Cerma cleans and removes all deposits, sludge and varish withing engine.
with Timken Bearing Machine Cerma Oil V.S Amsoil.
Cerma Grease vs Name Brand Grease utilizing Timken Bearing Machine.
Cerma 2-Cycle Oil outperforms standard 2-Cycle Oil
Cerma Motor Oil vs Name Brand Motor OIl utilizing Timken Bearing Machine.
Cerma Fuel System Cleanser.
How Cerma Blue Ice reacts inside A/C and Refrigeration tubing.
Cerma Lubrication Test with Chain Saw, dramatic improvement in power and reduction in heat.
Video showing Cerma Fuel Treatment cleaning properties with borescope view.
Ford 6.0 Turbo Charged Engine wind down with Cerma Turbo Treatmentwwwwwwwww.
Cerma Motor Oil and Engine Treatment protection is unmatched and peace of mind.
Cerma Lubrication Test with Chain Saw, dramatic improvement in power and reduction in heat.
Cerma Fuel System Cleanser.