Our Testimonials

Engine Treatment testimonial

"I had my 1999 Ford Power stroke Diesel engine treated with the Cerma Advanced Lubrication Technology and immediately noticed a reduction in blow by. The engine has 240K miles on it, and was beginning to show some signs of wear, which have been reduced with the treatment. An additional improvement has been that the engine runs about 20 degrees cooler in use, and seems to have regained some of it's old pickup. Joe & Mike get a big THANKS for your help!"
A/C System Treatment testimonial

"My 1999 Ford pickup truck has a very good A/C system, so I didn't think that the Cerma Advanced Lubrication technology would help it. After installation of the treatment, I watched it drop the dash outlet temperature 10 degrees and was amazed that a really well operating system could be affected by a reduction in friction that much.THANKS for the FRIDGID air!" Pat Gaddy I Can Fix That!
Product Review Dated 8/2012

To whom it may concern,

Back in 2009, I was introduced to the Cerma product by a local distributor and friend and he convinced me to give the product a try in an application of my choice . I am the Director of Facilities and Engineering for a County Hospital and we have three compressors that get a lot of run time annually and we perform the usual preventative maintenance quarterly to the compressors and the compressors typically would go about three years before the signs of wear would begin to reflect in the oil consumption. So in 2009 we added Cerma to each oil service intervals in two units that were rebuilt and one new vacuum pump and to date none of the units have consumed oil since the introduction of Cerma. My consultant at Cerma has recently recommended we try treating our chiller and I'm considering Cerma in that application. I'm pleased with the performance of Cerma and would encourage others to try the product.


Neil Tuttle

A/C Blue ICE Treatment

I own a restaurant in Bonita Springs Florida and Joe treated my air conditioner, Ice Machine and other units with Cerma Blue Ice. A few days later, my Restaurant felt much cooler and less humid. What really impressed me was after four days my ice machine was producing the same amount of ice in four hours that usually took 12 hours to make. I have no worries now of running out of ice and cooling down my restaurant. Cannot wait to see the savings on my Electric bill!
March 6 2013 - 5 out of 5 stars - Excellent product.

This review is for the Cerma Gas Ceramic Engine Treatment 4 to 8 Cylinder. I would recommend this to anybody who is looking to keep their engine long lasting no matter how many miles is on it. Already used on three of the four cars in our household and have noticed a smoother sound to the engine as well as increased gas mileage. On each full tank I'm now getting at least 50 to 60 extra miles.
Cerma Gun Lub and Gun Conditioner Review - 5/9/2013

I must admit that I tend to view products with skepticism however the proof was in the data. I saw a legitimate 200 fps gain in a 16" AR-15 that would be the equivalent of having a 20" barrel, as well as a legitimate 150 fps boost in a 40 cal Sig P-229R. Now when cleaning time came around, both guns pretty much wiped clean with minimal fuss. I am looking forward to tinkering with this product and can see that it also has some potential for USPSA shooters who have to meet a minimum power floor providing extra velocity without pressure increase.

Police training officer. Norwalk, CT Police Department

Cerma Gas Ceramic Engine Treatment 4 to 8 Cyl

At first glance, i thought the price was a little crazy but some in-the-know car guys that i know convinced me to give it a try, and i probably shouldn't have tried it on my only vehicle, but what the hell :D. my vehicle wasn't in bad shape (2004 silverado 5.3 v8) it had a slight tick at high rpm/high speed, it didn't make loud noises/vibration. i received the Cerma engine treatment very quickly ( fast shipment), eager to try. i used as instructed and im very impressed thus far with the results. improved pick-up, engine is quieter, ticking at high speed gone :D. i believe i will consider purchasing other Cerma products. please note this has been only the first day, will update if anything changes/improves. have a great day
Cerma Gas Fuel Treatment Concentrate 16-oz Bottle

My car has a 1993 mustang motor and 5 speed transmission in a 1993 miata. I put both the engine additive and the gas treatment in the car at nearly the same time. The car definitely runs more smoothly. Throttle response is much improved. Oil pressure is up 5 lbs. I am very pleased. I am planning another dyno tuning in the next few months. I expect a 6 to 10 hp increase (280 rwhp now) and an equal increase torque
Documented Savings

We have documented 10-20% of savings on the electricity bill. After 48 hours of running with STM-3, you will see the Amperage draw of the motor to be less. STM-3 helps provide more e fficient cooling, fewer cycles, and longer lasting equipment.
To Whom it may concern

As an independent A/C and Heat Contractor, I was employed to measure the amperage draw of a 3 ton AC unit at D & A American Bistro Restaurant in Plano, Texas. I was then asked to treat with STM-3 and return after 48 hours on a day where the ambient temperature was comparable to measure again. I did this and found the usage to be fluctuating between 2 and 2.5 amps less.
To Whom it may concern

Just a few informal lines to give a further insight into the unique properties of STM-3. It is a metal treatment that after 48 hours running through an AC/Heat unit will save anywhere between 10 and 30% on electricit y, causing the motor to draw less amps and the compressor less cycling. It will address the problem of moisture created by the Hot/Cold working environment of the lines, that causes the oil to emulsify, turn to varnish, and stick to the inside of the lines, slowing down the freon flo w. STM-3 will absorb the moisture in the system, get behind the old oil, push it away from the lines, coat the lines, and send the oil back into circulation. This does away with the oil and water don't mix problem. So not only do you have a metal treatment in your pump/compresso r, you have a ceramic style lining etched into your pipe work causing a more e fficient flow as well as reducing friction harmonics and consequently wear in all moving parts. I hope this has given you a small insight into the capability of STM-3. Please call for any further information that you need. This needs to be introduced to a working system through the suction port while running. To gain maximum results it needs to be run for about 1 hour immediately afterwards. After 48 hours you will see significant improvement. Dosage: ½ oz per ton with a reasonable pipe distance. You cannot overdose, it is just economics.